On the occasion of celebration of 180 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between France and Serbia, Her Excellency Ambassador Natasa Maric organized a panel discussion on November 20th 2019.Panel discussion was attended by former French Minister, Senator and MP Jean-Pierre Chevènement, Professor Jean-Paul Bled, Foreign member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, historian Frédéric Le Moal, deputy editor of Figaro Magazine Jean-Christoph Buisson, former French Ambassador to Belgrade Frédéric Mondoloni and grandson of Marshal Franchet-d'Espérey, Mr. Christian Franchet d’Espérey.
Numerous officials from senators and deputies, representatives of the diplomatic and military corps, university professors, and distinguished journalists, representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Serbian students and prominent members of the diaspora had the opportunity to hear in depth analysis of the events who marked nearly two centuries of diplomatic relations between France and Serbia.
The two-hour debate was followed by a Q&A session, and the event ended with a cocktail.